>> Thursday, July 21, 2005
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
hmm... tetiba takde mood hari ni... got frustrated news... terus jadi mandom... but I try to forget all about it by catching up with mix roadrunners kat seksyen 17... ok la but still frust sebab takde hasil... dpt minum jek... lama tak kejar diorang... for months kut.. semua runners baru yg aku tak kenal... what's the frustrated news tu ek.. takyah la bagitau lagi... okino ngan dIdO dah tau... huhuhu...
by the way, tadi JJ from morning crew called me.. planning about the thing called 'gotcha' call where these morning crew guys, JJ and Rudy make a prank calls to someone... so he tell me about the game plan... if it going well, tomorrow morning around 9.05 - 9.20 a.m. we could listen to it on air... if not tomorrow then perhaps next week kut... huhuhu... can't wait to listen.. hehehe... i'm really naughty kan... terasa jahat giler plak do such a naughty thing on my fren... hehehe :-p...
what else nak tulis ek... malas plak nak tulis panjang2 at the moment... still got that no mood feeling... huhuhu.. okess... babai